Wireless sensor network

research at LIUPPA


Some links for getting a quick start with WSN


  1. PuceCrossbow: Mica2, MicaZ, Imote2,...

  2. PuceArchRock: IPnode, PhyNet,...

  3. PuceFreeScale: mostly sensor electronic components

  4. PuceLibelium: WaspMote, Meshlium,...

  5. PuceAdvanticsys: specific sensors based on the TelosB mote

  6. PuceArduino’s web page

  7. PuceA synthesis of tutorials on Arduino hardware

  8. PuceQuite complete list of WSN manufacturer

  9. PuceA nice comparison of Mica2, MicaZ, XBee, iMote2,... plateforms

  10. PuceA page I wrote on interoperability between iMote2, WaspMote, Arduino

  11. PuceDeliverables from the WinSoc project: Wireless Sensor Network with Self-Organization: Capabilities for critical and emergency applications.

  12. Puce    OPERATING SYSTEMS   

  1. PuceThe TinyOS community forum: TinyOS is one of the most used operating system for resource-constrained devices such as wireless sensor networks. Lot’s of links here, see especially the installation links.

  2. PuceThe Contiki OS web page: Contiki is one of the most used operating system for resource-constrained devices such as wireless sensor networks. Lot’s of links here, see especially the installation links.

  3. PuceBLOG & VARIOUS RESOURCES with more links!

  4. PuceCrossbow’s blog, lots of links here

  5. PuceERCIM/NEWS special issue on Sensor Web

  6. PuceIPv6 for WSN: BLIP with TinyOS from Berkekey, uIP with Contiki

  7. PuceFreaklabs’s blog

  8. PuceBook: Interconnecting Smart Objects with IP: The Next Internet

  9. PucePaul J. Shin’s web page on WSN

  10. PuceMore links on my teaching page «Emergent Wireless Networks»



There are numerous web pages with lots of very interesting links to WSN research. The goal here is not to duplicate these pages. The goal here is to provide some links for getting a quick start to WSN for those who want to start research or development on WSN. Actually, this page has been set-up initially for my students so that they can start quickly to get a snapshot of what’s on the Internet to start their project.